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Indicate language of link destination

WCAG 2.2
	There is also a page describing <a href="swedish-doc.html" hreflang="sv"
		>why a DOCTYPE is useful</a

CSS to show a language indicator next to the link

a[hreflang]:after {
	content: ' [' attr(hreflang) ']';
	color: #999;
	vertical-align: super;
	font-size: 70%;

CSS alternative with a custom text for each available language:

a[hreflang]:after {
	color: #999;
	vertical-align: super;
	font-size: 70%;
a[hreflang='sv']:after {
	content: ' [Swedish]';
a[hreflang='fi']:after {
	content: ' [Finnish]';
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